Family Comes First (16-Year-Old Football Player Take Flowers To His Grandma)

Family Comes First (16-Year-Old Football Player Take Flowers To His Grandma)

Family comes first.

That is the message that one 16-year-old high school football player wants the world to understand loud and clear.

Family comes first.

teen hugged his grandmother

To show how strongly he believes in that, Frank Calderan took a detour from heading out on the field for a game in October to deliver something to someone very special. With the crowd cheering and his teammates pumping themselves up, this teen hugged his grandmother, handed her flowers, and told her he loved her.

This was the grandmother who had helped to raise him, who had watched over and cared for him since he was born. This was the grandmother that Calderon would do anything for, because she had always done the same for him.

Helped To Raise Him

grandmother who had helped to raise him

This was the grandmother who was fighting breast cancer for the second time and still came to see him play football.

Calderon made sure everyone in attendance at that game, and later on, everyone who followed his Instagram, was aware of how much his grandmother meant to him. And how much he believed in her ability to beat cancer again.

The Pensacola Catholic High School attendee had been attending chemotherapy treatments with her, and wanted to go the extra mile to show everyone that he was fighting for her.

He Believes In Her Ability To Beat Cancer Again

fighting breast cancer 1

His team wore pink socks for the game, and won the night and the season. Calderon dedicated the winning season to his grandmother, and her strength and will power to fight her cancer.

And he made sure that his "family comes first" message reached as many people as possible.

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