Danny Glover Net Worth

Danny Glover is a household name for the baby boomers, generation X, and the early 00's audiences. He grew up in San Francisco, and was born in 1946 to passionate postal workers who spent their free time supporting the NAACP. Danny attended San Francisco State University but failed to graduate. After his fame was cemented with the highly popular Lethal Weapon franchise, the San Francisco State University awarded him with the Presidential Medal of San Francisco State University.
Danny's Humble Beginnings

He worked at the American Conservatory Theatre and was mentored by friend and teacher Jean Shelton, to whom Glover credits his acting prowess. Once Shelton gave him a push to move to Los Angeles and spread his wings, Glover took the chance and did so. As his work became more steady, he collaborated with Bill Guillory to open the Robey Theatre in honor of the activist and equal rights warrior, Paul Robeson, who died in 1994.
Making It Big

Debuting on the iconic and award-winning 1985 masterpiece, 'The Color Purple,' Danny Glover made a significant impact on the silver screen. He portrayed cruel Albert with verisimilitude, among acting greats like Oprah Winfrey, Whoopie Goldberg, and a golden cast; together, they turned a movie into a piece of raw Americana, reflecting the hardships of Black people in the United States through different periods of time.
Danny Glover is worth $40 million.