Your $25,000,000 Las Vegas Mansion Is Ready!

This custom built Las Vegas Mansion cost an outstanding $25,000,000 to construct, and based on its features, it is totally worth it.
Planning to go to Vegas and experience all of its magic and pleasures?? Well guess what! Somebody is experiencing all that inside a mansion.
30,000 Square Feet Mansion Full Of Crazy
With doors over ten feet long, this mansion is a wonder to behold. This home is about 30,000 square feet of crazy with 3 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms. Upon entrance into the house, wonder and awe will fill your eyes. The house has got a full nine speaker surround sound system, 23 foot high ceilings and almost everything is motorized; headrests, custom incliners. It's the real deal I tell you.
The mansion has got an atmosphere that you would expect to get from $25,000,000; cool and refreshing. The house gives you space that you would never dream of finding inside a home and at no point does it feel like too much.
What stands out for this house is that it doesn't look like any other ordinary house. Not just because of its astounding size, no, but its features and décor. It does have the occasional couch and dining area but it all feels different.
This Mansion Feels Like Sex!

From the moment you walk in, the colors just feel classy. You just want to run around and touch everything but you still wouldn't get enough. It's just like sex! The cool purple and maroon colors with the wooden floors, and cantilever table that costs around $100,000 are just gorgeous.
Worried about colors and lighting? This mansion has full RGB spectrum lighting which can allow the owner to change the scene for whatever the mood he/she is in.
The dining area is really well setup with really magnificent lighting from hell fire which employs fire gravity; a very rare thing, which sets the mood you want.
Moving on, the mansion has an inbuilt cinema that can accommodate 16 people. It has a 200 inch laser DLP Barco Projection System that you would find in a high end commercial theater, a full Dolby Atmos surround sound. The theater costs approximately $500,000
The bathrooms have the ''super toilet'' which employ technological advancements, no need to worry as the toilet seat is heated automatically.
One astounding feature of this piece of art mansion is the foyer which is a two story water wall that is back-lit with a snake light on top. It's just a wonderful view.
Who Put's A Car Elevator In A Mansion?

Did I mention that this mansion has a car elevator!! Wait, are we still talking about a house here because it doesn't feel that way.
As the scenery goes on we see that there is an E-room, and once you walk in there's only one thing you can say, WOW! This is a place you can just sit back with your friends and enjoy a good game of basketball, or if you prefer, you can play a game of basketball. It's just amazing.
The house has an inbuilt elevator and as we go down, it transforms into a wine cellar. Not just any wine cellar, this one's special. It has wide open spaces that make it even more attractive, and it has a kind of rustic feel to it. The walls are made from climbing rock, giving a more authentic feel to the basement.
There are two king sized beds that are custom built and they're just gorgeous. The custom made tub is made from all metal. The rain shower system is sure to get your motor running, not to mention the view of the mountains.
This House Has Features That Will Never Be Seen Again

Building this mansion wasn't easy; some of its custom features will never be seen in another house.
The kitchen is absolutely brilliant, filled with all the kitchen appliances you could possibly imagine and its cool colours just blend in to give you the feel of a perfect kitchen you wouldn't want to eat from anywhere else.
Just next to the kitchen is a resting place with sofas and a Jacuzzi which has an amazing view. It's just a place you can easily have a party of many people and still have room left. The fire lighting just completes the view to make everything perfect.
It is also good to mention the gigantic outdoor theater for all your entertainment needs.
This $25,000,000 mansion doesn't feel like too much and it doesn't feel like a waste of space. It blends in perfectly. But one thing is for sure. This is not a house build for one.