Mother Faces Conversation Dilemma: Revealing Son's Girlfriend Identity To Husband

Mother Faces Conversation Dilemma: Revealing Son's Girlfriend Identity To Husband

Sons Taking Different Paths

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Mark and Elizabeth had three sons: David, a 32-year-old business executive, Simon, a 28-year-old engineer, and Leo, a 26-year-old entrepreneur. David and Leo loved being the center of attention at parties, while Simon preferred spending time with books and learning. Despite their differences, all three were successful and independent. David was married, Leo was engaged, but Simon was single due to a tough breakup with an unfaithful girlfriend.

The Shadow Of Past Love

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At 17, Simon fell in love with Melissa, who seemed perfect but betrayed him multiple times. After eight painful years, he finally left her. His brothers teased him about being single, not understanding his emotional scars. Mark and Elizabeth always defended Simon, reminding everyone of his difficult experience.

New Hope On The Horizon

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Six months later, Simon started dating a new woman named Sophia, making everyone, especially Elizabeth, very happy. Simon spoke highly of Sophia’s intelligence and their shared interests, but she preferred to stay private until she felt ready to meet the family. Simon promised to introduce her when the time was right, ensuring a special meeting.

Chapter 2: A Weekend Get-Together

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One Friday, the family prepared for a big gathering in their backyard, organized by Mark, the grill master. As guests arrived, Sophia, holding Simon’s hand, nervously joined them. Her shyness was clear, but her beauty stood out, and she quickly bonded with the family dog. The men helped with grilling while Elizabeth and the other women finished dinner preparations.

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