Hand Tattoos For Men: Stylish Timeless Designs Ideas

Hand tattoos are a staple of alternative fashion for men. They're cool, intriguing, and serve to make a loud statement to the world. Not to mention, the ladies love a man with a bold sense of style.

Once you've decided to get a hand tattoo, there are a number of classic designs waiting for you to choose from. Do you want to express a love for wildlife, your own peaceful nature or a bit of hard-edged cynicism? There's a perfect design waiting for you.
Rose Hand Tattoos For Men

Roses are bursting with symbolic meaning, from the thorns their beautiful petals hide to the romance they represent. If any of that resonates with you, a rose hand tattoo might be the design you want.
Praying Hands Men's Tattoo

Are you religious? If so, a tattoo of praying hands sends the message that you might not walk with the flock, but you do walk with The Lord. Modern fashion and classical religious sentiments blend beautifully with this style.
Skull Hand Tattoos For Men

Skulls are classic imagery among biker gangs, truck drivers, welders, and all manner of tough guys. The macabre, edgy touch is perfect for many people. Consider putting a spin on this theme with a tattoo of the grim reaper, as well.
Lion Hand Tattoos For Men

A pack of lions is called a pride, and a fearsome lion is one way to show off your own pride and self-confidence. If you're a king, why not get a tattoo of the king of the jungle?
Joker Hand Tattoos For Men

Society, am I right? A Joker hand tattoo is perfect to convey that you carry some hard-earned cynicism and a sharp wit. The kings and queens play their games, but the joker always outlasts them.
Elephant Hand Tattoos For Men

Elephants represent a balance of different characteristics. On the one hand, they're incredibly powerful beasts. When lions and tigers come after them, the big cats have to be careful; or the elephants will crush them underfoot. On the other hand, elephants are famously gentle and hardly ever go out of their way to hurt a fly. If that sounds like you, consider an elephant hand tattoo.
Flower Hand Tattoos For Men

All sorts of flower tattoos for men are growing vogue. Are you a passionate environmentalist or an artistic type? Lillies, violets, or other flowers are perfect if so, but a beautiful nightshade tattoo carries darker connotations.