Find Out How Weather Apps Really Work So You Don't Get Wet Feet

Most smartphone users usually install different weather apps, although very few understand the technology used in making them work. We've got the answers.
How Do Weather Apps Really Work?
Whenever mercury rises or drops smartphone users turn to their trusty weather apps. But how do these apps really work and how accurate is the data your seeing? Keep reading to find out and we give our top three apps for iPhone and Android users.
The traditional method of weather forecasting

During the past, weather forecasting was mainly done using two main tools. The first one was the observation of weather conditions and behavioral patterns. The second tool was gathering information from various weather satellites. After combining these two tools, the meteorological department would come up with the best possible weather forecasts. Computers, barometers, and temperature sensors are used in the process. However, with technological advancement, weather forecasting has become easier with the use of weather apps.
How weather apps get their data

Many people are considering getting different weather apps, hoping to get the accurate weather forecast. However, sometimes, these apps are likely to produce varying results. The common sources of weather data are government weather stations, satellites, and radar. All these send in new measurements at varying speeds in either hours or days.
In most nations, this data is free and can be used publicly by anyone, including companies that create weather forecasting apps. A system known as the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing system is used in managing the huge volume of raw data. This system then merges every detail into one huge display from where private companies can source it. This information is used alongside computer models in developing weather forecasts.
Why weather apps show different results

Sometimes, people will run from one app to another if they find their app doesn't show good weather results. This is a clear indication that different weather apps vary in their forecasts. How the weather forecasting process begins with huge volumes of data and observations from weather stations, radar, satellites, weather balloons, and volunteer reports that collect information regarding the atmosphere aspects such as temperature, wind speed, and humidity.
The respective measurements are then fed into various supercomputers, which are run by the government. These supercomputers then analyze the specific conditions and use different mathematical equations to make a forecast. However, it's essential to understand that there's usually no perfect algorithm due to the large size of the earth that makes it impossible to get observational data from everywhere on air.
The algorithms used to make several assumptions about the atmosphere by estimating certain atmospheric conditions. Because every computer model uses a unique mathematical formula, the weather forecast tends to vary slightly. The forecast on different weather apps is a result of one or more models used. Therefore, weather app accuracy largely depends on how private companies use the data they get.
Fun and addictive
Checking the weather on your phone can make it easier to plan your daily activities when you wake up. For instance, if you wake up and check your weather app and find that it shows there'll be a lot of cold in the afternoon, then you won't leave for swimming. In this case, you'll stay at the house and do other chores. However, checking these apps tends to be addictive since it'll be the first thing to do every after you wake up.
Best iPhone Weather Apps
Regardless of the device you're using, and there will always be some compatible weather apps that you can install and use every day. Below are some best iPhone weather apps:
1. RadarScope

Serious weather enthusiasts mostly use this app. RadarScope provides native data of various atmospheric aspects such as reflection, wind velocity, echo tops, lighting alerts, dual-polarization, and storms.
2. Hurricane by American Red Cross
Red Cross has come up with a wide range of disaster preparedness apps for monitoring forces of nature, such as earthquakes, wildfires, and tornadoes. This weather is ideal for people who live in hurricane-prone places.
3. The Weather Channel
This app has a simplified interface that ensures you get either an hourly, daily, or half month forecast on aspects such as humidity, wind speed, and UV index.
Best Android Weather Apps
1. AccuWeather

This is a more dependable and accurate android app with a perfect layout. It has a dark theme and provides an accurate forecast, especially when bad weather hits.
2. Dark Sky
It has a hyperlocal accuracy that can tell you the weather condition minutes before you see it.
3. 1Weather
It has a beautiful interface with dozens of customization options. The only limitation of this app is that it doesn't auto-update after being reopened.
In conclusion, these are some of the top-rated weather apps you need to know. You can choose the best weather app, depending on your taste and preference.