Is Jenna Jameson on Keto Again?

Is Jenna Jameson on Keto Again?

Though she did take a break from the low-carb, full-fat keto diet plan, Jenna Jameson is now back with the popular weight loss program. Why? Well, it seems she gained 30 pounds while she took a hiatus, and she want to shed the extra weight.

Just Like Starting Over

Jenna Jameson Just Like Starting Over

With all those extra pounds to get rid of, Jameson is basically starting over with the keto eating plan. To take off the 30 pounds she gained eating whatever she wanted, she is slowly easing back into the keto routine.

Stellar First-Time Results

Jenna Jameson Stellar First Time Results

In 2018, Jameson had excellent results from her first experience with the keto diet program. She lost an impressive 80 pounds following the low-carb plan, but quickly lost ground when she when back to eating carbs again in December.

Tough Lifestyle to Maintain

Jenna Jameson Tough Lifestyle to Maintain

When she was asked why she decided to drop the healthy eating plan, Jameson stated that it was very hard to keep doing after a point. She said that after keeping up with the strict diet for a year and a half, she found it hard to continue.

The Choice Is Clear

Jenna Jameson The Choice Is Clear

While Jameson hesitated to recommit to keto immediately, it seems that she has decided to give it another try. It appears that she has found her motivation, and she is documenting her journey from here on Instagram.

Comeback Kid?

Jenna Jameson Comeback Kid

Jenna Jameson has proven that she is a survivor. So, why wouldn't we believe in her power to bounce back one more time?

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