Farts Can Burn Up To 67 Calories, Easy Way To Lose Weight or Myth?

In 2015, a search result delivered by Google triggered a debate on social media by claiming that a fart can burn up to 67 calories. Could It Be True?
Are you looking for an easier way to lose weight? The process might be easier than you think; you might be able to fart your way to a leaner, healthier you.
The average person releases approximately 200 milliliters of gas bombs throughout the day. This figure translates to a hive of activity of between 10 and 20 farts. Hence, the fascination with the potential link between burning calories and farting.
How Many Calories Could You Burn While Farting?

In 2015, a search result delivered by Google triggered a debate on social media by claiming that a fart can burn up to 67 calories. People can shed one pound of fat by farting at least 52 times a day. Experts were quick to douse the flames by refuting the claims.
However, the topic still generates interest as many try to understand the reasoning behind the claim.
According to the experts, muscles tend to relax during the farting process. Instead, the pressure buildup in the bowels is responsible for expelling the nasty gas bomb. The lack of muscle involvement makes it difficult to burn fart calories.
As such, the act of burning calories will require a forceful approach that might have undesired consequences (oops). It seems experts agree that even the most violent fart will fall short of the desired effect.
If forceful farts were effective at burning calories, many people would most likely engage in fart yoga or fart squats and lunges. The gyms will become a no-go area for the faint-hearted.
Burn More Calories
The real key to burning more calories and losing weight lies in eating healthy and staying physically active. You should consume a selection of foods with lower farting burn calories, such as whole grains, lean protein, dairy products, and fresh produce.
On the other hand, white bread and sugary desserts compromise weight loss efforts. Foods with high fiber content are more filling but cause flatulence.
Experts recommend that women strive to consume at least 20 grams of fiber every day. Meanwhile, men should aim for dietary intake of between 20 and 38 grams per day. Doing so enhances the body's ability to shed some significant pounds.
Daily exercises also promote weight reduction over time. Medical practitioners recommend daily exercise routines lasting between 30 and 60 minutes. The intensity levels should be moderate. You can engage in effective exercises, such as biking, swimming, jogging, or brisk walking.
Additional physical activities that form part of the usual daily routine include cleaning and gardening. They provide a practical option when it comes to burning calories and shedding some weight.
The Fart Takeaway

Although regular farting episodes may not yield the desired results, many people have been wondering why they feel slimmer after passing wind. Experts attribute this phenomenon to a reduction in bloating thanks to farting burn calories.
The consumption of various types of food triggers signs of bloating. Fatty foods tend to slow down digestive processes, which results in a bloated feeling. Carbonated beverages, on the other hand, have the same effect because they release gas bubbles in the digestive system.
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and beans contribute to the significant buildup of gas. Doctors urge people to avoid eating food too quickly as it results in swallowing an increased amount of air. The same applies to chewing gum and drinking through a straw.
It has also been shown that anxiety and stress can lead to increased gas buildup while smokers are at risk of swallowing more air.
It is also possible to generate considerable gas if the colon is working overtime to break down food in the stomach. In some cases, you can burp after gas buildup but when this does not happen, the body releases it via fart calories.
Final Thoughts On Farts
Although experts refuted claims that farts provide a calorie-burning solution, they are many ways to lose weight. If the claims were true, the news could result in a global fart fest as people fart their way to beach bodies.