True Love Does Exist! (We Have Proof)

There's a lot of doom and gloom when it comes to love and romance. Every news outlet is happy to be the bearer of bad news, when it comes to delivering statistics about how likely relationships are to end or high odds of divorce. You'd almost believe that true love doesn't exist! Thankfully, that's not the case. We've assembled a collection of touching then-and-now photos that serve to prove just that. We've even included short stories about the background into these assorted lovebirds, from university teachers to royalty. Try not to cry!
Reminiscing About the Hippie Days

Candace and Jerry met in the 60s at Woodstock, and they often tell friends and family how Bob Dylan himself told them to get off his lawn. After thirty years, they returned to one of their favorite campsites to recreate this beloved picture of the two of them. While their dog and Jerry's facial hair have changed, they still love each other as much as they ever did.
Bumming at the Beach

These two met while Barry was catching waves off the California coastline. Beth always had a thing for surfers, and they hit it off pretty quickly. In all their years together they've traveled up and down the West Coast a dozen times, and they're planning an anniversary to Hawaii soon. Their tans have faded, but their love hasn't.
Youthful Desire Can Last Forever

Just look at those eyes. There are ten thousand words in this image, and they're telling a love story that only these two really know. The sense of their love, appreciation, and passion for each other is so strong you can pretty well feel it.
Love Doesn't Know Distance

After Brad came back from the war, he and Annie swore that they'd never part again. They stayed devoted to each other all the while, no matter what boys chased her or what 'all the guys' did downtown while they were deployed. It really goes to show the power of love and commitment.
Young Love Can Last

The top picture is Harry and Jane at Harry's 17th birthday party. Jane is having a great time, and Harry is as awkward as lovestruck boys always are. Eventually, Jane took the big step forward in asking him out on a date. Twenty years pass by and camera quality improves, Harry put on some facial hair, and they're still going strong.
You Can Upgrade a Bike, You Can't Upgrade Love

These two old lovebirds took their favorite picture together on Walter's motorbike forty years ago. Every time he purchases a new one, they recreate the iconic snapshot. Isn't that just the sweetest tradition you've ever heard of?
Love is Timeless

Unfortunately, Orlando tore the old suit that he wore to the wedding. Jessica still has her wedding gown, though, and these two look as happy and in love as they did the day they got married.