Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries We're Still Scratching Our Heads About

Archaeologists have uncovered some unbelievable things across the world that even with modern technology and science are impossible to explain.
As they say, the truth is stranger than fiction. Archaeologists have uncovered some unbelievable discoveries that are almost impossible to make sense of - even with the help of modern technology and science. Try to unravel the enigmas of how to build temples without metal tools, who built extraordinary underwater kingdoms and indecipherable texts.
Gobekli Tepe

The ancient city of Urfa in southeast Turkey is home to one of the most significant anomalies we've ever come across. At 11,000 years old, Gobelki Tepe could be the earliest example of a human-built place of worship. Part of the site remains buried under thousands of years' worth of weather, human farming and natural disasters. However, dozens of 16-foot-tall megaliths stand, some engraved with scorpions, lions, vultures and foxes.
Longyou Grottoes

These enigmatic caves were discovered less than 30 years ago, and have left archaeologists, engineers and scientists scratching their heads. The Longyou Grottoes can be found at Shiyan Beicun in Zhejiang province and are thought to date back over 2,000 years. Experts have estimated that it would have taken a 1,000 strong workforce to build them, and yet there is no trace or explanation of their creation in the history books.

The carefully cut boulders of Saksaywaman lie on the outskirts of the city of Cusco in Peru. These huge stones, weighing up to 200 tonnes each, are some of the most enormous to be found in prehispanic America, and how people back then constructed them remains a mystery. Each monolith has been cut so carefully that you couldn't fit a piece of paper in the space between them.
Yonaguni Monument

Only identified in 1987, these delicately assembled sandstone and mudstone pillars, pyramids, columns, platform and a road are believed to date back 2,000 years. With the mystique and appeal of an underground city, it would appear that this part of Yonaguni Island wasn't underground when Japanese ancestors built it. Some experts even argue that it may have made up part of the lost continent - Mu.
L'Anse aux Meadows

Thought to be evidence of an 11th century Viking settlement in what is now Newfoundland, L'Anse aux Meadows is proof of the European's first venture into North America. Artifacts discovered at the site show evidence of woodworking and iron production, generally thought to point towards ship repair. Apart from knowing that it's a Norse site, we don't understand much else about this early exploration of the globe.
Unfinished Obelisk

At over 3,500 years old, the Unfinished Obelisk showcases the extraordinary engineering prowess of the ancient Egyptians. You'll find this formidable structure in Aswan; this obelisk would have stood at 42 meters and weighed 1,200 tonnes upon completion. Hatshepsut, the female pharaoh, commissioned the construction during her reign of the 18th dynasty.

The lost city of Mojenho Daro appears to date back to the third millennium B.C. It seems to be a strangely egalitarian society, with no evidence of kings, queens or temples. Instead, they appeared to place the highest value on order, cleanliness and modesty. With its state-of-the-art drainage system and carefully planned streets, it seems like this populous was well-informed. However, little else is known about them.
Costa Rican Stone Spheres

These pre-Columbian stone spheres are both incredible and incomprehensible. Finca 6 in Puntarenas is the place where you can find the majority of these perfectly globe-shaped balls. You see more and more the closer you venture into the areas where people settled. They range in diameter from a couple of centimeters to over two meters and weigh up to 16 tonnes. Around 300 have been found, made from basalt, limestone and sandstone. Precisely what the settlers invented these impressive orbs for remains a mystery.
Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich manuscript dates back to the 1400s and has left cryptographers and historians alike in a state of bafflement. It contains a script unlike anything else alongside confusing graphics that give little clue as to what the message within could mean. So far, people have made educated guesses, but no-one has been able to decipher its meaning definitively.
Gate of the Sun

This 3-meter tall structure dates back as far as 14,000 years ago and stands in Bolivia as one of the most intriguing and pertinent examples of ancient American architecture. It's etched with fascinating figures with winged and tailed human-like bodies and helmets. The sun god stands in the center, with rays emanating from his face and tears rolling down his cheek.