History's Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

History's Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

With all the advancements in modern-day science and technology, as much as humankind craves it, we still don’t have the answers to tons of unexplained events from days’ past. And though experts continue to revisit these events some things are destined to never be solved.


Atlantis and The Eye Of Africa 1

The famed under-the-Ocean island of Atlantis has been speculated to be at several spots over the globe, but more recently, avid researchers of the lost city deem its probably location in The Eye of Africa. Also known as the Eye of the Sahara, this 25-foot structure was first discovered from space in the 1960’s, and while many scientists have tried to label it as a natural formation or the result of an old crater, they can’t quite crack the code. Hence why many believe this actually could be the remains of Atlantis.

Baltic Sea Sonar Anomaly

Baltic Sea Sonar Anomaly

In a more recent mystery, 2011 saw a Swedish dive team who was diving for sunken treasures under the sea discover something wildly unexpected. They captured a sonar image of a round, 200-foot object that had distinct characteristics that looked manmade (objects such as possible stairs and doorways). When the team went back to get more footage of the unknown object, mysterious interferences in their equipment kept them from capturing it again.

DB Cooper - Boeing 727 Hijacked

DB Cooper

One of the most bizarre events in our modern history is the crime and disappearance of “DB Cooper”. This unknown man hijacked a passenger plane running from Portland to Seattle for what today would be worth 1.2 million bucks. The mystery guy bought a plane ticket under the fake name, handed a ransom note calmly and politely to a stewardess, collected his ransom money, and then parachuted off the plane somewhere in Washington. He was never seen or heard of again, and the investigation remains open today.

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