Have You Been To College Lately?

Have You Been To College Lately?

Ah, college. A time to learn. Although what you learn at college isn’t all about the lectures. Sometimes education is about the social scenarios you get put in and how much alcohol you can actually consume without blacking out. And at the end of it, you have your whole life to pay off those lovely fees. At least you’ll get a higher-paying job … provided you went to an accredited college. You did go to an accredited one, right? Either way, here’s our take on college. Enjoy the show!


College 10

This one has gotten a bad rap in the last few years, and for good reason. Sure, it’s sold as a form of bonding, but the reality is that it's just a form of intimidation to make people feel powerful over the newbies. But it still exists, regardless, and many students undergo initiation ceremonies, some being deadly.


College 2

Sure, the legal drinking age is 21. But everyone lets loose at college, and there’s nothing that lets loose harder than someone who's had a very restrictive upbringing. Bring on the freedom!

$1000 TV Stand...

College   2

It’s not just chemistry books — it’s any textbook that’s ridiculously overpriced. Sure, they are niche items produced for a captive market, but you can’t help but feel someone is making a lot of money from them. Why are they so expensive!

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