David Mazouz: Facts About The Gotham Actor

David Albert Mazouz was born on February 19, 2001 in Los Angeles, CA. He grew up in a traditional Jewish home with parents who were highly educated professionals. Perhaps this was what sparked a sense of discipline that led him to achieve immediate success as a young, aspiring actor.
David Mazouz: His Early Life

David Mazouz was born on February 19, 2001 in Los Angeles, CA. His father, Michel, had been a doctor from Tunisia while his mother was a professional psychotherapist. David cam from a strong Sephardic Jewish background, meaning that he came from an ethnic tradition dating back to the times of ancient Iberia. His ancestry was known for its traditional roots the are connected to modern-day Spain and Portugal, and his family most likely had ancestors who migrated during the 15th century and settled into regions where religious tolerance was better practiced.
David and his sister, Rebecca, both grew up in or around the Los Angeles area. David attended a traditional Jewish school known as the Shalhevet High School, where he graduated in 2019 right after the season finale of Gotham.
His Earliest Roles: Jacob Bohm and Bruce Wayne

One of David's earliest roles was that of Jacob, or "Jake," Bohm in the TV series Touch, where he plays someone who is diagnosed with autism and is considered nonverbal. His father, Martin, played by none other than Kiefer Sutherland, whose astounding discovery of Jacob's numeric genius and amazing math talent have much to teach him about the pain suffered by the universe.
But that's not the only major role that Mazouz came to be known for. The greatest role that seems to have put his name on the map is his character portrayal of a young and vibrant Bruce Wayne in the TV series Gotham. It was then that he finally earned a name for himself by portraying a timeless comic book hero and his backstory towards greatness.
The Quintessential Perfectionist

Like most perfectionists, Mazouz was not one to leave something he felt was only half done. There were many times that he'd view the fighting scenes, yet just couldn't ever be fully happy with the way they turned out in the final cuts. By his own account, he always felt he could improve on his technique and even went so far as to work with martial arts instructors to improve his fighting technique.
A Series That Ran for Five Years

The Gotham series ran for an extended amount of time, starting in 2014 and ending in 2019. The Season Finale was the fifth season of the famed series, and the sudden, abrupt ending had many avid fans scratching their heads and wondering why. Of the many reasons, the main one was that Fox saw that viewer rating had gone down, and that there simply weren't enough people interested enough to keep watching. The iconic series saw its final episode on April 25, 2019, which was appropriately title "The Beginning," where young Bruce Wayne finally transforms completely into the iconic caped crusader we've come to know as Batman.
Stanford: Another Door Opens

Although the cancellation of Gotham proved to be a disappointment for David, it wasn't the end for him. New doors began to open, and one of them just happened to be acceptance into Stanford University, where he would begin studying for psychology and the hard sciences. His interets in other areas such as computers and economics could have great rewards for him in the future, but his primary focus appears to be in getting through the first year of college. He continues to study theater and the performing arts in an effort to broaden his knowledge and keep his talents sharp.