Billie Eilish Gets Naked Shocking Fans To Make A Point

Singer Billie Eilish is known not only for her sultry voice and provocative lyrics, but for her sense of fashion. She is often seen wearing clothing that is not only baggy on her, but obviously quite a few sizes too big.
Why the Baggy Clothes, Billie?

Eilish is a female singer/songwriter in a world full of female singer/songwriters that wear tight, sexy, revealing, or flashy outfits. Oftentimes they are reviews as much for their music as their looks. Not wishing to be seen for her body over her songs, Eilish covers herself with overly baggy items.
No More Body-Shaming

During the first night of her Where Do We Go World Tour, Eilish decided to hit back at body-shamers, those that have shamed her and those that have shamed others. She played a video of a powerful speech about her body and the world-wide attention it's gotten.
Billie Eilish Gets Nude To Make a Powerful Point

To truly drive her point home, at the end of the speech, the Eilish in the video took off all of her clothes. She bared herself to the audience and the world, then submerged herself in a pool of murky water. It was a surprising yet powerful statement by the singer.