Vintage Ads You Won't Believe Existed
Vintage Ads You Won't Believe Existed

As we all are finding out over the last decade, so many things from the past just don’t age well. Case in point are many old advertisements that project blatant sexism, or just total disregard and insult to a variety of things. But on the flip side, some old ads can also give us access to ultimate nostalgia that brings a big smile to our face, too.

Alcoa Aluminum (1950s)

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Wait, even a woman can open a ketchup bottle? Well, isn’t that the way of the future! After all, it only takes a “dainty grasp”, which as we all know in 2021, that’s definitely all females are capable of. (Insert prominent sarcasm here)


McDonald's (1965)


52 cents for all that food and a milkshake? Oh, those were the days. Even with inflation, that’s a deal you just can’t beat.